Friday 30 June 2017

My blogging experience

Resultado de imagen para bloggerWell, the blogs are a good experience, but I did not feel that I had made much progress with my English, at first it is difficult to express, but one gets used to it and you start to write more. It's easier to write when you have a topic that you like, I would like to write about interesting things for example animal, history, science, tardigrades (I love tardigrades, I would make a whole blog of only them). Some of the blogs I liked to do are "From the invisible to the visible world and back...", "A Photograph You Like"(because I could talk about tardigrades) and others...

For me, it was not all fun to write, the ones that cost me the most were "Getting to know each other..." or "Person/Expert you admire". The reason why I did not like is that I do not like to talk much about myself, I do not even know much about myself, I am rather a reserved person.

In the future a like to include more topics, it would be good that we can choose a topic and talk about it, but I know that this is not possible because a general guideline is needed for all, It's never to dream anymore.

Thursday 22 June 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Well, the microscope is a wide world, there are even many kind of micro or nano worlds, for example: the world of bacteria, the molecules, the atoms, etc... But the micro or nano world that I like more is world of molecules because is the base of the all cell processes, very important for understand the life, is one of the reasons why I choose biochemistry.

Resultado de imagen para modificacion geneticaThe one that I consider the most incredible and mysterious molecule of all is the DNA, this molecule has the code of life. The interesting thing is that we can modify it, creating new characteristics in an individual, is a branch of science called "genetic engineering" is based on transferring genes from one species to another, improving or generating some missing characteristic.

Resultado de imagen para modificacion geneticaGenetic modification is important for biochemistry because is the most studied subject, since DNA is the most important molecular of life.
Genetic modification example: modify vegetables to better withstand drought, to make bacteria produce insulin by entering the gene that can produce insulin or transferred DNA from tardigrade to human cells, to increase its resistance to radiation.

But not everything is good, the genetic modification is a powerful tool that if not one carefully can be used for evil, either using it to create deadly bacteria, or modifying species giving it a more advantageous feature than other species causing the extinction of these.

Genetic engineering remains a developing science that can responsibly improve the quality of life of people.

Thursday 8 June 2017

The most enjoyable subject ...

Well, I chose biochemistry, because I love science, I like chemistry, biology and physical. One day I thought about studying something that has related to science, and then I found the biochemistry career.
When I looked at the mesh, I said "this is what I want to study", and I'm here.

Resultado de imagen para laboratorio quimicaThe subjects that more caught my attention were cellular physiology, organic chemistry, general biology, and all the laboratories. So the subject that I found to be more fun is general chemistry laboratory.

General chemistry laboratory is a fantastic subject, where you do practical activities, work with reagents, and see how they change color. One activity more beautiful is the crystallization of cupric sulfate which is blue.

The interesting of general chemistry laboratory is to make reactions and know how they reacted, also the teachers is good and classmate is friendly. I have many partners about 50 peoples.
What I least like about subject is the reports and test are very stressful.

Thanks to this subject, I have liked more and more the career, though I already passed the subject.

Sunday 4 June 2017

Person/Expert you admire

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I admire Alexander Fleming, hi was a microbiologist, pharmacologist and botanist. He was born in Scotland in 1881, son of a peasant family.

 At the age of thirteen, he moved to London with a half-brother who practiced there as a doctor. He obtained a scholarship to St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in Paddington, He worked as a medical microbiologist at St. Mary's Hospital in London until the first world war, enlisting as an officer of the Royal Army Medical Corps in France.
Fleming's name is associated with important discoveries: lysozyme and penicillin, the first discovered in 1928 for an accident. Inspecting their crops before destroying them, he noticed that the colony of a fungus had grown spontaneously, Fleming interpreted that the fungi release an antibacterial substance, the lysozyne. Fleming later observed the plaques and found that the bacterial colonies that were around the fungus (Penicillium notatum), the penicillin.

Fleming did not patent his discovery, because he thought that thus it would be easier to spread an antibiotic.

He received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945 and was a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Fleming died in London in 1955.

I like Fleming, because I consider a great scientific, thanks to your observation and experiments has saved the lives of millions of people in the world.