Monday 28 August 2017

The best Holiday

Holidays? I don't have good holiday since eight years ago because my parents work much, also the economic situation has not been good. Before everything was better, in those time I was living in "The Salvador" is a miner town very small in the third region of Atacama, one thousand kilometres from Santiago, the life was very good and the holidays were wonderful. Every weekend we were travelling with my family to "Bahia Inglesa" in Caldera third region. Others times, we camped the weekend on the beach.
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I like to go to the beach, I have good memories, but Bahia Inglesa is special because is a beautiful beach, with turquoise waters, white sand and warm waters. You can do many things, camping, kayak, obviously swim, diving, near there restaurant and hotels.
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About five kilometres this natural reserve "Pan de Azucar", where you can fishing and adventure tourism, where I saw otters, sea lion, whale, etc.

I've done everything, except diving, I was too young to dive. I would like visit again Bahia Inglesa because I have not been there for eight years.

Monday 21 August 2017

A country you would like to visit

Imagen relacionada
Cathedral "Sagrada Familia" in Barcelona, Spain

Well, I would like to visit many countries, I like the geography and history, that's what I would like to visit a place with a lot of history, for example, Europa or Asia. In Europe I would visit more the anything cities that countries, I would like to go to Madrid, Paris, Vienna, or Milan, travel throughout Europe. See wonders and historic neighbourhoods. Sometimes I think of living in Europe, specifically in Spain, because speak Spanish and culture is similar.

Resultado de imagen para japanAsia is the other places I would like to visit, for their so exotic cultures, the more interesting country for me is Japan, because is the place that more know, Japan is amazing, is an archipelago composed of three thousand islands, with their own culture and language, is a good country, is where the anime manga is born (I love anime). I would like a visit for a long time, but not live there, because Japan is one of the countries where most work, also is very difficult get the visa, for a foreigner living in Japan is complicated.