Monday 6 November 2017

English Language Challenges

Learn English is very important at this time, especially for me because, English is the language of the sciences, all are published in English.

I was not very good in English, this was because I was not interested in learning English at school, but not only with English, also Spanish, I was not interested, I preferred mathematics or natural sciences

In my experience learning English at the university, is good. At school, I learned the grammar but not how to speak or use English, but at the university that changed, by having classes in which I could speak and practice, English became easier, my vocabulary increased and I also have a little more ease when speaking it.
Blogs are fine, but I think a blog is not the best way to learn because I need to improve my speaking skills, I need to speak more in English, talk more, think I can do it with my father, he knows English fluently.

To improve my English, I could include it more in my life, for now, I use little English outside of the classroom. I play games that are in English (I can read English), but I do not have much time to play them since I study, I could watch more series and movies, but I do not have much time to watch it.
Resultado de imagen para english
I know that watching series in English, with subtitles in Spanish, can greatly improve your English, and it shows, I know because I see a lot of anime, and I could assure that I have a better ear for Japanese than for English.


  1. Is true that you understand more if you listen a new language, like we did when we are babies.

  2. Learning English, no doubt is very important

  3. I also think that your vocabulary is very wide because there are a lot of words that you include in you blogs that I have to search for their meaning. Congratulations José, you have learned a lot in a very short period of time :D
