Monday 30 October 2017

Changes To My Study Programme

Resultado de imagen para technology for educationWell, I am a student of biochemistry at the University of Chile, I can tell the experience that I have about the study plan of the career.

Last year a new curriculum was implemented for the race, according to what I was told, it was to do more internships in the study, start from the first year with the laboratories, a complete point of view, need to pass the theory in the class and then put it in practice. By the curriculum, I would not change anything.

Resultado de imagen para u-cursos
I like the classes that are taught, in general, the teachers use PowerPoint, there is the application of u-courses (very useful). What I would change is that sometimes there is so much time that I do not spend time doing exercises or it goes by quickly and is not well understood.

A problem that often seems to be the clash of schedules between the subjects, I would like a more flexible schedule than we have, with more variety of cultural CFGs, because I consider that there are very few.

In the use of technologies, you, in addition to the application of courses, you must upload the books online, since there are no books for everyone in the library. The good news is that the university is using the technologies of telephone applications and the online library.

A faculty problem in the infrastructure, the library is very small for the number of students there, another problem is the lack of study rooms, that is, it is not a study room, we do not have a proper cafeteria to eat, with respect to the laboratories, I can not say if we need change, I'm just starting the race and I think the laboratories should be fine.


  1. It is true that the library is very small for the number of students, I have even no place to just wait for another class, just sit on the grass.

  2. I agree with you, we need more cultural CFGs, they can´t be practically all sports

  3. I think that because the majority of the funds goes to the labs, we got a lack in infrastructure

  4. I also like that we have practical activities at the beginning of the career
