Wednesday 6 September 2017

The amazing the our encephalon

The encephalon for me is the organ more important of the human body, why??.
Because the encephalon is the coordinating center and effector of the body.

The encephalon from ancient greekconsists enképhalos, “within the head”. Consist of three main parts: brain, cerebellum and brain stem, all of them is located in the head, inside the skull.

Imagen relacionadaEach part of the encephalon has its own function:
-The brain stem is responsible for involuntary reflexes, besides, regulates breathing, heartbeat, digestion; controls the minimal processes necessary for life. The brain stem is under the brain in front of the cerebellum.
-The cerebellum is responsible for fine movements and motor coordination of the body, for this reason each neuron of the cerebellum is united to another thousand neurons!!!
-The brain is the more interesting, because of him not much is known yet, it divide in four lobes: the occipital lobe at the back of the skull, related with vision, the parietal lobe at the top, related with voluntary move, the frontal lobe at the forehead, related with logical thinking and the temporal lobe at the sides of the brain, related with memory.

The brain is medium organ, with about 1.2 kg, but is the organ that consumes the most energy, about the 20% of that produced by the body.

For being the more important organ, we must take care of it, do exercise, eat healthing, not smoking, and to learn a lot, for to reduce the likelihood of disease, such as: Alzheimer, Parkinson, depression, etc.


  1. exercising and eating healthy is a good recommendation

  2. Each neuron of the cerbellum is connected with one thousand neurons! What! That's amazing! XD
