Monday 6 November 2017

English Language Challenges

Learn English is very important at this time, especially for me because, English is the language of the sciences, all are published in English.

I was not very good in English, this was because I was not interested in learning English at school, but not only with English, also Spanish, I was not interested, I preferred mathematics or natural sciences

In my experience learning English at the university, is good. At school, I learned the grammar but not how to speak or use English, but at the university that changed, by having classes in which I could speak and practice, English became easier, my vocabulary increased and I also have a little more ease when speaking it.
Blogs are fine, but I think a blog is not the best way to learn because I need to improve my speaking skills, I need to speak more in English, talk more, think I can do it with my father, he knows English fluently.

To improve my English, I could include it more in my life, for now, I use little English outside of the classroom. I play games that are in English (I can read English), but I do not have much time to play them since I study, I could watch more series and movies, but I do not have much time to watch it.
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I know that watching series in English, with subtitles in Spanish, can greatly improve your English, and it shows, I know because I see a lot of anime, and I could assure that I have a better ear for Japanese than for English.

Monday 30 October 2017

Changes To My Study Programme

Resultado de imagen para technology for educationWell, I am a student of biochemistry at the University of Chile, I can tell the experience that I have about the study plan of the career.

Last year a new curriculum was implemented for the race, according to what I was told, it was to do more internships in the study, start from the first year with the laboratories, a complete point of view, need to pass the theory in the class and then put it in practice. By the curriculum, I would not change anything.

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I like the classes that are taught, in general, the teachers use PowerPoint, there is the application of u-courses (very useful). What I would change is that sometimes there is so much time that I do not spend time doing exercises or it goes by quickly and is not well understood.

A problem that often seems to be the clash of schedules between the subjects, I would like a more flexible schedule than we have, with more variety of cultural CFGs, because I consider that there are very few.

In the use of technologies, you, in addition to the application of courses, you must upload the books online, since there are no books for everyone in the library. The good news is that the university is using the technologies of telephone applications and the online library.

A faculty problem in the infrastructure, the library is very small for the number of students there, another problem is the lack of study rooms, that is, it is not a study room, we do not have a proper cafeteria to eat, with respect to the laboratories, I can not say if we need change, I'm just starting the race and I think the laboratories should be fine.

Monday 23 October 2017

Summer Holidays

Summer Holidays is the best season the year, is the moment to rest and enjoy, the moment to do new things, visit new places, meet to friends or new peoples.

Still knowing that, in these summer holidays, I will surely go to work, but if I can visit places.

Kinkaku-ji the Golden Temple in Kyoto overlooking the lake - high rez.JPG
Temple of the Golden Pavilion
I would like to travel Europa or Asia. In Europe I would visit more the anything cities that countries, I would like to go to Madrid, Paris, Vienna, or Milan, travel throughout Europe. I only travel in low season (is cheaper) and know that in Europe is in winter.
Sika Deer in Nara Park

Another country I will visit Japan for her culture, Shinto temples, as the golden pavilion, the Torii doors in Shiba or visit the Himeji castle in Osaka, other activities, climb Mount Fuji that is more than 3700 meters high, go to the Nara Park (also known as the deer's park)

My plans are to enjoy Japan, experience new things. On this trip, I would do it alone, although, I do not rule out being accompanied.

Yes, tath would be the best Summer Holidays, but I know it is not currently possible because I not have money. I settle for spending the holidays playing a video game, sleep and meet my friends.
I still do not give up and know I still do not give up and I will someday go to Japan on Summer Holidays.

Saturday 14 October 2017

Addiction: From coffee and tea to drugs of abuse

Drugs, I define it as "all that substance that affects the central nervous system". From coffee to drugs of abuse, they all have different effects, but they have something in common, they are addictive.

Fortunately, I and none of my close friends have had substance abuse problems, such as cocaine, base paste, LCD, etc. At least not for illegal drugs.

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According to a paper "the brain of an addict" said that all drugs activated the reward circuit, releasing a large amount of dopamine, generating pleasure. This circuit is responsible for generating good experiences, activating when you eat a good meal, have sex and even when you interact with your group of friends. The dependence of dopamine by drugs is dangerous, when a lot of drugs are consumed dopamine levels of the brain increase, which causes the brain to adapt to these levels and when the drug is stopped the dopamine levels go down which can lead to depression, to maintain the levels of dopamine is generated dependence.

There are drugs that are more dangerous than others, those that produce less damage are tea or coffee, but like everything in life always in moderation, all excesses are bad, drugs of abuse are dangerous, not only for the person who becomes addicted, also their surroundings, addicted people stop working only think of their drug, if they do not have the drug they will get it by any means.

But everything in drugs is not bad, marijuana is used in medicine to relieve pain, coffee and tea keep you more active and alcohol (in moderation) is used to encourage parties.

Monday 2 October 2017

Your Future Job

Thinking about a future job is difficult, there are things that you can do, I don't have clear than do with my life, what kind of jobs I would like a job to have? How I do imagine it?

Reflecting on myself, I did not want to job in an office with a lot of papers or job that are monotonous, for me that is not life. I've always thought about working on something important, what people are saying "wow you have a great job". One day, I saw on YouTube a video about Spanish people on the world, one of them worked in a lab, research about proteins, so in my mind, I thought "why I don't work in the lab must be fun". So I searched about careers that allow me working in a lab, until that I found the career of biochemistry, I saw its mesh and I like. Always I liked sciences, the biologic is the subject that never bored of study and the chemistry and physic are interesting.
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At the beginning I would like job in a lab, doing experiments and research new proteins or play with the DNA, but now I realise that biochemistry is a career with various work feels and I´m not sure what I want to do, I would like job in toxicologist or proteins or biotechnology, many things that I can do.

whatever it is that I choose, I want a dynamic job, travel the world, for me, that's all I need, I do not care much about money, I prefer a fun job that one job bored even although I won a lot of money.

lately, I have been more tempted to do the speciality in biotechnology, to make a company. There are not so many things I can do but I think I will need more experience.

Monday 11 September 2017

Old and new Hobbis

Hobbies, what would we do without?

When we are weary or boring and we want to get out of that state, we distracted with the hobbies.
For me, the hobby is a happy distraction, something that you enjoy doing. So in my case, I collected stickers, all juice box or chocolate bars (sweets ) they came with stickers of all kind: small, big, long, and were usually about cartoons or animals, even I had others kind the stickers about wrestling.

I remember that stuck the stickers to the sides of my bed, I have had hundreds of them, but when one moves to another house and lose all stickers, you do not want to continue collecting :(

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Today my hobby is seeing anime on the computer, is more simple that collect stickers since I only depend on the internet to see anime, I started to see anime in the 20013. My dream is to see one thousand!! animes and I going for a good track, to date I sew more of five hundred animes.

Another hobby derivative of see anime is downloading the opening and ending of animes that I liked the most, also download images, it's similar to collect stickers but what a computer, actually I have already downloaded more than 20000 images about anime.

In the future, I would like to collect figures about anime (is another level) but are very expensive and I don't have money so it will be for the future when I earn money.

I think that the hobbies they must be fun, that does not damage the health, one hobby that I would not do a hobby that would not do those have to do something dangerous, for example of jumping between buildings

Wednesday 6 September 2017

The amazing the our encephalon

The encephalon for me is the organ more important of the human body, why??.
Because the encephalon is the coordinating center and effector of the body.

The encephalon from ancient greekconsists enképhalos, “within the head”. Consist of three main parts: brain, cerebellum and brain stem, all of them is located in the head, inside the skull.

Imagen relacionadaEach part of the encephalon has its own function:
-The brain stem is responsible for involuntary reflexes, besides, regulates breathing, heartbeat, digestion; controls the minimal processes necessary for life. The brain stem is under the brain in front of the cerebellum.
-The cerebellum is responsible for fine movements and motor coordination of the body, for this reason each neuron of the cerebellum is united to another thousand neurons!!!
-The brain is the more interesting, because of him not much is known yet, it divide in four lobes: the occipital lobe at the back of the skull, related with vision, the parietal lobe at the top, related with voluntary move, the frontal lobe at the forehead, related with logical thinking and the temporal lobe at the sides of the brain, related with memory.

The brain is medium organ, with about 1.2 kg, but is the organ that consumes the most energy, about the 20% of that produced by the body.

For being the more important organ, we must take care of it, do exercise, eat healthing, not smoking, and to learn a lot, for to reduce the likelihood of disease, such as: Alzheimer, Parkinson, depression, etc.